So I have this distinct method of grasping new material, and its quite genius if you ask me. This quarter I decided to take one of the upper-division requirements for my major, a research and methodology class. Now, I am a Political Science major, but even so, I chose to ignore the "science" aspect at all costs for the past two years. I enjoy learning about theories that drive the international world and market, but I chose to overlook the statistical data behind it. As I sit in class listening to my fifth year graduate instructor lecturing on variables, experiment methods, and graphs, I can’t help but zone out and stare at the Asian guy who makes the worlds’ greatest facial expressions. Back to my method of learning, I pretty much like to apply everything I learn in class to my everyday life, whether it is replacing words in lyrics, creating acronyms, making little stories, or writing short poems, you name it, I do it. So perhaps it is going to take longer for me to get to my point, but trust me I am getting there. So last week we had a lecture on types of causality and the fundamental problem of causal inference that really got me thinking. For those of you who do not know, I am almost positive I have ADHD. With that said, it’s not my fault when I immediately begin to ponder in class about different things going on in my life. Nor is it awkward if I completely go off on a tangent, so just bear with me. Exhibit A: Love. For the record, this is not one of my tangents, I promise. All summer I have done nothing but witness some of the most catastrophic break ups, hook ups, and arguments. Love is a universally accepted phenomenon that leads to happiness. But if there is anything I learned in POLISCI104 it is that correlation does not imply causation. So therefore what other variable is causing this happiness, ‘cause it sure as hell isn’t love? I’ve had my own share of relationship problems, but to say I was happy during my 2 year relationship would be a lie. Do not get me wrong, obviously something was going right for it to have lasted 740 days, but was I indisputably pleased? I was genuinely happy when I graduated high school, when I witnessed the birth of my niece, when I got accepted to UCSB, but those were also life-changing moments. How is being in a relationship life altering? Wait, the last sentence totally allows for counterarguments, so let me get into detail. You know I may be a cold-hearted person, but let me tell you, that will not affect the direction of my squabble. I used to be a happy person but it’s inevitable to remain so optimistic when so much negative shit is piled onto your platter. As my close friend Joe advised me, you shouldn’t be an idealist, but a realist. Nor is it easy for me to swallow everyone else’s problems. So when I see my friends suffering from relationship evils, it directly affects me. Over the past two months, I’ve lent an open ear to anyone willing to talk to me. Over that time I have come up with a pretty solid conclusion, there must be a confounding variable that is causing happiness. Maybe it’s the fact of telling others you are no longer single, maybe it’s the thought of belonging, or maybe you just enjoy free dinners, your guess is as good as mine. For me, love doesn’t exist because it has been replaced by a dirty, sick game. The rules are simple; the first one to fall for the other immediately loses. Why must you wait a couple of minutes before replying to a text because you do not want to seem desperate? Why must you fully analyze a text before sending it out? Why must you set these standards on current relationships based on precedence? This isn't a courtroom! Why can’t we all be straight up about our feelings? Everyone has been hurt, everyone has felt like a piece of crap at one point in time, but to turn around and do the very same thing to others because you feel that is what the cards state is pathetic. Creating a vicious cycle and pulling everyone into it is not the correct form of curing your heartache, I’m sorry. I suppose what I am trying to say is that I am sick and tired of boys, and girls, complaining about such tedious things. To say the least, POLISCI104 made me realize that being in a relationship will not conclusively make you happy.
Perhaps it is a confounding variable that comes along with the ride that is actually the causal mechanism. I mean that’s a plausible story, right? Who knows, my quarrel might not make sense to you, but it makes perfect sense to me. Taking 104, mixing in some of my ADHD, and adding a little drama have definitely opened my eyes (and I also have to give the Asian guy some credit as well). Perchance a reversed causality might be the root cause, or maybe I am too juvenile to appreciate anything in life. Perhaps I am a child prodigy and my next study on love will be a universal breakthrough. Perhaps the last two hours of my life were a complete waste. Or maybe I am just another product of the vicious circle. Stop complaining, live your life, travel, enjoy nature, try new things, go swimming in the ocean, fight your fears, and most importantly never take POLISCI104. Eventually, you will find someone that makes you content and accepting of your ways, and with that, happiness will follow. Either way I see it, it’s all endogeneity.